Can a digital AGM or meeting be as good as a physical one?
We are at a position where physical AGM cannot be held even if you want to. So, we must find new ways to conduct all…
Home Photo Album So guys, since we are more than a half way through 2015, I've decided to post this quote along with this amazing photo taken by @brandonwoelfel and share with you guys what I've personally known and experienced so far. I've learned that: - Not every year is going to be perfect. Period. Your New Years resolution may not ever work, and you'll feel like absolute crap, but remember: Each day IS A NEW BEGINNING. You may have hear it a thousand times and think it's cliché but it's true! It's never too late to change. - In one year, you either change for the worst or for the better. But one thing is clear, is that everything is up to you. YOU decide your happiness, your success, your everything. Don't let other people's opinions waver your decisions. - Not every single day is going to be perfect. We WILL have our ups and downs, but do not let that bring you down. You can always get back right up if only you would allow yourself. - People come and go. Most of the time, you can't expect someone to stay by your side to guide you in your life! There's only one person who will help you for forever, and that person is YOURSELF. Love yourself in all ways, treasure your mind and body, and never treat yourself badly or downgrade yourself because you are going to be with your mind and your body on your life's journey the whole time. Remember that. - In 365 days, there are so many things you can do, new experiences to discover, new people to know/meet. Please do not spend your life doing the same routine every single day when you can find new hobbies or goals to achieve for yourself!! Live. Learn. Experience. Love. - Be the you that you want to be proud of. That is all. Stay amazing, wonderful and beautiful, inside and out. || @poemsfeeling || by poemsfeeling
By E Marketing Analyzer December 15, 2015 0
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An AGM is the most important event of a company. Holding an AGM can be an amazing way of ensuring accountability, openness, and having a…
We are at a position where physical AGM cannot be held even if you want to. So, we must find new ways to conduct all…
As we know the Annual General Meeting of a company has always been conducted physically. Only recently the companies had to switch up the process…
What are Virtual Event Platforms? Virtual event platforms are the solutions potentially combining hardware software and service wing to bring certain events to distributor login…
GOCON has expertise in the webcasting industry with over 12 years of experience. Facilitating over 1000+ live streams. With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, The…
What is digital transformation? “Digital transformation is the process of exploiting digital technologies and supporting capabilities to create a robust new digital business model.” –…
After the recent COVID 19 situation, Companies worldwide had to shift their AGM meetings to Virtual AGM meetings online. Picking the right virtual AGM platform for…
One of the most significant events for a major shareholder or an Investor of the company is AGM. The annual AGM holds a huge amount…
The Online industry is going faster than ever in recent times. Especially after the pandemic, All the companies have been forced to conduct their actives,…
For years the companies have been Conducting the annual AGM physically. Only recently due to pandemic which led to travel restrictions and social distancing, Companies…
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